The Mid-Sun Community Garden is much more than a collection of simple garden beds for rent. We are a dynamic community of gardeners of all skill levels who grow together as we learn new things from each other and develop new friendships.

In addition to our own garden beds, we all support and have access to a growing selection of fruits and berries, as well as culinary and medicinal herbs. A number of in-garden social events are scheduled each season, often with demonstrations, and we sponsor several formal classroom sessions each year at minimal cost.

We support our communities by jointly maintaining a number of garden beds for donations to food banks. Also, a new sidewalk facing hedge will make cherries, saskatoons and black currants available to the general public once they mature.

Sound like something you would like to be involved with as a renter, or as a volunteer, or as a sponsor?

Applications to rent a garden bed for the 2024 season will be emailed to returning gardeners March 01.  

If you are contemplating joining us this summer you can email us now and request to be put on our waitlist to also receive application details via email on March 01.


Questions about the Community Garden?

Email the Garden Admin Committee at

The Garden Committee does not have a phone number.


Upcoming Garden Events

Coming Soon…

Who We Are

The Mid-Sun Community Garden was founded in May 2009. A group of interested and enthusiastic Mid-Sun residents banded together to help build thirty 4′ x 8′ raised beds in the grassy area on the north side of the community centre.

In 2010, twenty more beds were added, as well as several perimeter fruit trees, Saskatoon bushes, and other landscaping considerations. There are now 62 garden beds and an ever expanding group of over 50 enthusiastic gardeners.

Have questions? Email the garden committee at:

For more information, visit our Facebook page

“We work together – grow together – learn together.”

  • The Community Garden is a great asset of the Community Association to enhance the quality of life of individuals and families.
  • The Garden creates a spirit of belonging and cooperation as we:
    • Volunteer for Committee roles and general Work Bees to enhance of the Garden area and its features.
    • Prepare the garden for each season
    • Share gardening tips to enhance plant choices and productivity
  • We celebrate individuality and Inclusiveness with gardeners of all ages, including children from Mid-Sun Day Care and Summer Camps.

Communication Among Mid-Sun Gardeners

  • Timely notices of garden events, committee communications, and messages from the Garden Leadership Committee are distributed via email through Gardeners can communicate with the Garden Leadership Committee through this email address.
  • Monthly articles are published in the Mid-Sun Messages, the Mid-Sun Community Association newsletter which is delivered via mail.
